March 21, 2025 – In-Person and Zoom Meeting
Anthony Luscre, K8ZT, on FT8 and FT4 Digital Modes

Few hams have not heard about FT8 and FT4 digital modes, but for many of us there is a significant gap between awareness of these modes and real knowledge of what they are, how to use them, and the advantages and challenges of doing so. Our March 21 speaker, Anthony Luscre, K8ZT, will help us close that gap.
Anthony will talk about the origins of FT8 and FT4, developed by Princeton University Professor of Physics and Nobel Laureate Joe Taylor K1JT, and Dr. Steve Franke, K9AN, Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. (FT8 stands for “Franke-Taylor design, 8-Frequency Shift Keying modulation.”)
He will explain how these digital modes encode and decode information, and why they are so effective at decoding weak signals even when used with low transmit power. That will include an introduction to the JT65 and WSJT-X software that is key to FT8, and later to the faster, contesting-friendly FT4.
Anthony will also debunk some common myths about these digital modes, such as that their use requires an internet connection, that no operator skill is required, and that only pricey, state-of-the-art radios can be used. (One rig he likes is a 5-Watt rig that retails for $69!)
First licensed in 1981, Anthony has always enjoyed operating QRP. He jokes that no one told him that as a Novice he shouldn’t start with a 2-Watt rig. He now enjoys contesting, DXing, rag chewing, working satellites, and operating HF,VHF, UHF, CW, phone and digital mode, with more than 117,000 QRP contacts in his logbook. His QRP DXCC total recently topped the 328 mark, and he has completed Worked All States on 11 bands from his home base in Stow, OH, a suburb of Akron.
Now retired, Anthony’s professional background includes 20 years as a medical technologist in clinical microbiology and 20 years as a computer consultant and computer technology director for 30 school districts. He also volunteers as a Trainman on the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad located in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park about 15 minutes from his home.
This will be W6SD’s first in-person meeting since the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020. We will meet in the Community Room of the LAPD West Valley Station, 19020 Vanowen St., Reseda, at 7:30 p.m.
Participation via Zoom will also be available, at ID 870 3555 4427, Passcode W6SD). Please be patient if we experience technical glitches with our first-ever “hybrid” Zoom-and-live meeting,!
Paul Hamilton, KE7UAE – Mag Loop Antennas,
From Theory to Workbench
Our speaker on Friday, Apr 18, will be Paul Hamilton, KE7UAE, who will talk about the theory and construction of magnetic loop antennas.

After earning his BS in electrical engineering at the University of Kentucky, Paul worked as an RF test engineer for McDonald Douglas, in St. Louis, where he looked after the test benches for radios in military aircraft.
He then moved to the Pacific Northwest, working as a test engineer for Motorola and other cell phone manufacturers and for Intel doing signal integrity work on computer motherboards.
Paul’s entry into ham radio began when he was taking a class in the principles of RF circuit design at Portland (OR) State University, where he went on to get a Masters of Electrical Engineering. His academic advisor, Rick Campbell, KK7B, got him interested in the hobby, and Paul earned his Technician, General and Extra classes while taking the class.
Paul regards Rick, KK7B, and Wes Hayward, W7ZOI, as Elmers who were key to his success as a ham. (Campbell and Hayward, along with Bob Larkin, W7PUA, authored “Experimental Methods in RF Design,” published by the ARRL.)
Now, retired, Paul divides his time between ham radio, his XYL, and his kids and grandkids. The accompanying photo shows him with his granddaughter, Lily, who is beginning to learn the basics of using a Morse Code key. Active in CW, primarily using bug keys, he belongs to CWops, LICW, and SKCC, where he is working towards that group’s Centurian designation.
Paul became interest in building and using tuned magnetic loop antennas when he realized that his QTH in Tualatin, OR wasn’t suitable for either an antenna tower or, “with trees like twigs,” for an elevated wire antenna.
“I needed an antenna that could work well for DX that could not fall on my neighbor’s property and would not need radials.” The answer, he decided, was a mag loop. He has built several of these antennas, of increasing size and sophistication, and will share with us both the theory and practice he brought to their construction and use.
Field Day 2025
W6SD has begun planning for Field Day 2025, which will be held on June 28-29. We are holding planning sessions via Zoom every other Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.: March 5, 19, April 2, 16, 30, May 14, 28, June 11 and 25.
To participate via Zoom, go to
(Meeting ID 867 0009 3061, Passcode W6SD)
W6SD Get-Togethers
W6SD holds monthly speaker meetings on the third Friday of each month, at 7:30 p.m., via Zoom. We hold informal social get-togethers every Monday morning via Zoom.
Many members meet for breakfast at 7:00 a.m. on Thursday mornings at the Denny’s restaurant at 16575 Sherman Way, west of the Van Nuys Airport. All are welcome.
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W6SD – The San Fernando Valley Amateur Radio Club
ARRL Affiliated Club #1684
Founded in 1946, The San Fernando Valley Amateur Radio Club, Inc. (SFVARC) is open to anyone interested in Amateur Radio as a hobby. The Club is affiliated with the American Radio Relay League and the Los Angeles Council of Amateur Radio Clubs, Inc.
San Fernando Valley Amateur Radio Club
P.O. Box 5472
West Hills, CA 91308
Interested in joining W6SD? Whether you are brand new to the hobby of ham radio or are an Extra Class expert, you are welcome here. Click here for information.