
This page lists items for sale, trade or free by W6SD members, and items members want to buy.

To submit an item (or items) for listing on this page, use the Swapmeet Listing Form to offer items, or the Items Wanted Form to search for gear you want.

Kenwood TH-D74A in Excellent Condition

This is a Tri-Band HT.

I am asking $525.00 shipping included. Pickup preferred. I will take PayPal or CASH.

I’ve used a cell phone screen protector on the display screen for as long as I have owned the radio, so the screen has No scratches. I have the original box, manual and charger.

See my listing on QRZ (when logged in): https://forums.qrz.com/index.php?threads/kenwood-th-d74.902669/

Dan Moore, W6DPM, w6dpm@icloud.com or (818) 288-2062

Kenwood TH-D74A

Ameritron AL-80B HF Amplifier – $1,000

I have an Ameritron HF amplifier which is excess to my needs and is in like-new condition. I am asking $1,000 cash or a best reasonable offer.

It is an Ameritron AL-80B using one 3-500ZG tube, a cool 1,000 W Output PEP, 160-10 meters, wired for120V AC.

It is in excellent like-new condition, used only a very few times in a non-smoker shack, and then only to bust pileups. The radio interface is also included. It is in perfect working condition and ready to be part of your station. It has been well protected and has no dents, scratches or any damage.

This model Amplifier is a workhorse. The WARC bands are included on this model. It can be used on 10 meters, as the factory-recommended modification has been done. It is in good working order on all bands.

As it is quite heavy, shipping is not an option, but if a cash deal is made I may deliver it within a reasonable distance at a mutually agreed-upon location. Payment must be made before delivery.

Gurbux Singh, W6BUX, 818-437-4944 or gurbuxsingh@hotmail.com.

Ameritron AL-808

YAESU FT 7900 For Sale — $250

This is a dual band FM transceiver, 2M/440. $250 for local pickup.

50 watts out on 2 meters, and 45 watts on 70 cm. This is one of the many radios that I have but don’t use. It has been in my closet for several years. Put it to good use.

It worked perfectly when I removed it from service. It is guaranteed to work for you. If you’d like an audio check, make an appointment with me and you can hear it on the air. (I’ll need a day’s warning to connect it to an antenna)

Pick up in Northridge/Porter Ranch.

Michael Farrow, K1MIX, mike@k1mix.net or 818-317-761

PLEASE NOTE: all transactions are between, and at the risk, of buyers and sellers. W6SD makes no representations or warranties of any kind about the items listed here, and has not verified the accuracy of the listings and descriptions, nor of title, merchantability, performance, safety, etc.

Payments are directly between buyer and seller; W6SD takes no role in any transactions. Both buyers and sellers should use appropriate caution when arranging and making payment for items purchased, and should understand the risks and protections that may be associated with various electronic payment methods (e.g. PayPal, Zelle, etc.)