Club Bylaws
Article I — Name, Office, Fiscal Year
Section 1
The name of this Club shall be “SAN FERNANDO VALLEY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB, INC.”, a California Corporation.
Section 2
The office of this Club shall be located in the San Fernando Valley, in the County of Los Angeles, in the State of California.
Section 3
The fiscal year of this Club shall be the calendar year.
Article II — Objects and Purposes
Section 1
- The object and purpose of this Club shall be to foster interest in amateur radio by:
- Encouraging Education in amateur radio.
- Stimulating Interest in amateur radio.
Article III — Membership
Section 1
- Membership in this Club shall be available to those persons who signified their interest in amateur radio.
- A Regular member shall be a person eighteen (18) years of age or older.
- A Junior member shall be a person under eighteen (18) years of age.
- A Family member shall be a dependent of a Regular member.
Section 2
Any person desiring membership in this Club shall submit an application in writing, on a form approved by the Board of Directors, to the Club membership at a regular Club meeting.
Section 3
- The term of membership shall date from the meeting during which the member’s application for membership was accepted by the Club membership.
Section 4
- An Honorary membership may be bestowed by the President upon recommendation of the Board of Directors.
- Honorary membership shall be for a period of one (1) year, with all fees and dues waived.
Section 5
- An Honorary Life membership may be bestowed by the President upon recommendation of the Board of Directors and majority approval of the membership.
- Honorary Life membership shall have all fees and dues waived.
Article IV — Fees and Dues
Section 1
- Upon election to membership in this Club each member shall pay to the Treasurer the following:
- There shall be no initiative fee. Each new member will have to purchase his or her own badge. This will be a fee in addition to the regular Club dues reflecting the cost of the badge.
- The current annual dues for Regular members shall be:
- Twenty dollars ($20.00) for Regular Club members.
- Ten dollars ($10.00) for Junior and Family members.
- When a member is elected to membership after October 31st of any year he or she shall not be required to pay annual dues for that year, but will be required to pay in advance his or her annual dues for the following year.
Section 2
- The Board of Directors shall have the power to waive the annual dues, when in the judgment of the Board of Directors, such waiver would serve the best interest of the Club membership.
- The Board of Directors has have the power to raise or lower the annual dues, by a reasonable amount, when in the judgment of the Board of Directors, such change would serve the best interest of the Club membership.
Section 3
- Annual dues shall be for the calendar year, (January 1 to December 31), and shall be due and payable on January 1st of any calendar year. New applicants, who join the Club after February any calendar year, will be billed dues on a prorated basis. Any member who does not renew his or her membership within the sixty (60) day grace period will pay the full annual dues for reinstatement as per Article IV, Section 4-A.
- Any member whose annual dues are delinquent sixty (60) days shall cease to be a member of this Club without further notice on April 1st of any year.
Section 4
A person whose membership in this Club was terminated because of non-payment of annual dues may apply for reinstatement for membership in writing and upon the approval of the Club President or person authorized by the Club President, shall pay the annual dues as provided in Article IV, Section 1-A and be reinstated to Club membership.
Section 5
Any member shall retain his or her rights and privileges in this Club, except that of holding any elective office or serving on a committee, without payment of annual dues while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States.
Section 6
Annual dues shall not be refunded or rebated to any member of this Club because of resignation, suspension, or expulsion.
Articles V — Meetings
Section 1
- Regular meetings of this Club shall be held on one Friday of each month at a time and place designated by the Board of Directors.
- The Board of Directors shall notify each member of a change in time or place, or both, of a regular meeting at least five (5) days prior to the meeting.
Section 2
Special meetings of the Club membership may be called by the Board of Directors upon the request of fifteen (15) Club members in writing. The Board of Directors shall notify each member of the time and place of any special meeting at least five (5) days prior to the meeting.
Section 3
A quorum of any regular or special meeting shall consist of not less than fifteen (15) members of the Club.
Article VI — Board of Directors
Section 1
The Board of Directors of this Club shall consist of the elected officers and the appointed officers of this Club.
Section 2
- The Board of Directors of the Club shall act for and as agents of this Club and shall take any action necessary to promote the best interest of this Club.
- The Board of Directors shall report to the Club membership, at a regular meeting of the Club membership, any significant action taken by the Board.
Section 3
- The Chairman of the Board of Directors may call a meeting of the Board of Directors at a time and place convenient to the members of the Board.
- The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall notify each member of the Board of the time and place of any meeting at least (3) days prior to the meeting.
- At any meeting of the Board of Directors a quorum shall not be less than four (4) elected offices of the Club.
Section 4
- The President of this Club shall serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
- In the absence of the President at any board meeting the Directors present shall select one of their number to act as Chairman of that meeting.
Section 5
The Board of Directors may, by it’s resolution, abstain from voting on any matter whatsoever brought before it and shall refer the matter to the Club membership at a regular meeting for determinations.
Article VII — Elected and Appointed Officers
Section 1
- The elected officers of this Club shall be:
- President
- Executive Vice President
- Vice President – Planning
- Vice President – Membership
- Vice President – Technical and Research
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- No elected officer of this Club shall hold more than one
- elective office at any one time.
- The appointed officers of this Club shall be:
- Station Trustee
- Newsletter Editor
- Additional appointed officers of the Club may be the following:
- Public Relations Officer
- Awards Manager
- Any additional appointed officer determined by the Board of Directors to be consistent with the best interests of the Club.
- In the event of vacancy of one or more of elected or appointed officers, the Board of Directors may fill such vacancy or vacancies, to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.
Article VIII — Duties of Elected Officers
Section 1
- The President shall preside at all regular and special meetings of the Club membership and preside as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
- The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees with the exception of the Nominating Committee.
Section 2
- The Executive Vice President shall assist the President in the discharge of his or her duties.
- The Executive Vice President shall preside at regular and special meetings of the Club membership in the absence of the President.
- The Executive Vice President shall assume the office of President if for any reason the office of President should become vacant before the annual election of officers takes place.
Section 3
The Vice President – Planning shall serve as Chairman of the Planning Committee.
Section 4
- The Vice President – Membership shall serve as Chairman of the Membership Committee.
- The Vice President – Membership shall maintain an accurate record of the names and addresses of the members of this club.
- The Vice President – Membership shall maintain an accurate record of the current status of each member of this Club in regard to dues and fees.
- The Vice President – Membership, when requested by the Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting of the Board, shall within sixty (60) days compile an up-do-date roster of members in good standing. The following provisions apply to the roster:
- The Roster shall contain the following information for each member: name, call, spouse’s or companion’s name, address, phone numbers (home, work & cell), email addresses.
- The information contained in the Roster shall not be made public nor be disclosed to the membership without prior approval of the member. Notwithstanding the immediately preceding provision, Board members shall have access to the each member’s information.
Section 5
The Vice President – Technical and Research shall serve as Chairman of the Technical and Research Committee.
Section 6
- The Secretary shall keep a record of all regular and special meetings of the Club membership.
- The Secretary shall keep a record of all regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors and shall report to the membership, at a regular meeting of the Club, any significant actions of the Board.
- The Secretary shall receive all correspondence to this Club and report to the membership as directed by the Board of Directors.
- The Secretary shall answer any correspondence when so instructed by the Board of Directors and report to the membership as directed by the Board of Directors.
- The Secretary shall keep and file all documents connected with the activities of this Club and its membership.
- The Secretary shall be designated as the agent for service of process on corporate filings with the California Secretary of State.
Section 7
- The Treasurer shall collect and hold in the name of the Club all monies.
- The Treasurer shall keep a true and complete record of all monies, properties, and securities received by him or her in the name of the Club.
- The Treasurer shall pay all bills as directed by the Board of Directors.
- The Treasurer shall file all State and Federal tax reports as required by law.
- The Treasurer shall timely file all annual corporate reports and statements required by the California Secretary of State.
- An operating budget fund shall be established for the Treasurer’s use, the amount of which shall be determined by the Club Board of Directors at its first meeting of the calendar year. The budget may be amended and/or adjusted, from time to time, as circumstances require.
Article IX — Committees
Section I
- Standing Committees of this Club shall be:
- The Planning Committee whose duties shall be to arrange and plan programs for the regular meetings of the Club membership. The Committee shall coordinate any special event or activity to promote the objects and purposes of this Club.
- The Membership Committee whose duties shall be to keep an accurate record of all applicants for membership and members.
- The Technical and Research Committee whose duties shall be to inform the Club membership at regular meetings of any development in the field of radio communication. The Committee shall conduct such educational programs as approved by the Board of Directors and the Club membership. The Committee shall recommend any educational or operational award to be made to any person to the Board of Directors, to be ratified by the Club membership at a regular meeting.
- If the Board determines that one or more of the committees set forth in the Section is (are) beneficial to the Club, the Board may appoint members to serve on the committee(s). The committee members serve at the pleasure of the Board.
Article X — Qualification for Elective Office
Section I
- A candidate for elective office in this club shall have been a member for twelve (12) months preceding the election of officers and shall have attended not less than six (6) regular meetings in the calendar year in which he or she is a nominee for elective office. On good cause, the Board of Directors, on unanimous vote, may reduce the aforestated monthly requirements.
- A candidate for elective office in this club shall hold a valid amateur radio licenses in accordance with federal law and regulations prevailing at the time of his or her nomination and throughout his or her term of office.
Article XI — Election of Officers
Section 1
- The election of officers of this Club shall be held on the third (3rd) Friday of November in any year.
- The membership of this club may adopt the recommendations of the Nominating Committee and elect the candidates for office by acclamation.
- The membership of this club may nominate qualified members of this Club for any elective office during the presentation of the Nominating Committee at the election of officers.
- In the event that more than one qualified member of this club is nominated for an office at the election of officers, the club membership present shall vote by unmarked ballot and the candidate shall be elected to that office by a majority of the votes cast.
Section 2
- Each elected officer of this Club shall hold office for the duration of the calendar year for which he was elected.
- The Nominating Committee shall recommend candidates for any elective office that is vacated for any reason during the calendar year and the candidates may be elected by the club membership by either process named in Article XI, Section 1.
Section 3
- The Chairman of the Nominating Committee shall conduct the election of officers at a regular meeting of the Club on the third (3rd) Friday of November of each year.
- The Chairman shall provide unmarked ballots for the club membership if needed.
- Prior to the election of officers, the Chairman shall present to the Board of Directors for approval, his or her recommendation of eligibility of the members of this club to vote and to hold elective office.
- The chairman shall count, tally and report the results of the balloting of the club membership at any election.
Section 4
Any member of this club shall be qualified to vote in any election of officers if the member has paid his or her annual dues for the calendar year in which the election takes place, with the exception of members of the club accepted after October 31st of any year (see Article IV, Section 1-A-3).
Article XII — Appointment and Duties of Other Officers
Section 1
- A Public Relations Officer may be appointed by the President of this Club with the approval of the Board of Directors and ratification of the Club membership at a regular meeting. The Public Relation Officer’s function shall be to provide publicity for the Club.
- An Editor for the Club Bulletin may be appointed by the President of this Club with the approval of the Board of Directors and ratification of the Club membership at a regular meeting. The Editor’s function shall be to provide the membership with a monthly bulletin.
- An Awards Manager may be appointed by the President of this Club with the approval of the Board of Directors and ratification of the Club Membership at a regular meeting. The Awards Manager’s function is to develop and administer amateur radio operating awards issued, or to be issued, by the Club. The Awards Manager shall also administer QSL card field checking for organizations that issue ham radio achievement awards and certificates such as WAS, VUCC, etc.
Section 2
- A Trustee of the Club Station shall be appointed by the President of this Club with the approval of the Board of Directors and the ratification of the Club membership at a regular meeting, whose function shall be to maintain with proper logs the continuity of the Club Station License and Call sign and to negotiate with the Federal Communications Commission on any and all matters concerning the Club Station and Call sign.
- The Trustee of the Club Station shall be a member of this Club, shall have passed his or her twenty-first (21st) birthday and shall have a valid, renewable authorization as a radio amateur in accordance with applicable federal laws and regulations prevailing at the time of his or her appointment. His or her term of office shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 3
- The Editor of the Club Bulletin and the Trustee of the Club station shall be considered ex-officio positions of the Board of Directors with full voting rights.
- Other officers of the Club who are appointed pursuant to this Article shall be considered non-voting members of the Board of Directors.
Article XIII —Club Property and Records
Section 1
Property of this Club shall be recognized as any monies, bank deposits of any kind, securities and items of negotiable value, it shall include all books, papers, correspondence and records that have been received in the name of the Club, it shall include all tangible property of any kind received by or purchased in the name of the Club, and it shall include all property of any kind received by or donated to the Club from any source.
Section 2
- Any member of this Club having custody or possession of any property of this Club shall, upon request of the Board of Directors, immediately return such property to the Club upon the occurrence of any one of the following:
- Resignation of membership in this Club
- Suspension or expulsion of the member
- Vacating any elective office
- Vacating any appointive office
- Delinquency of payment in annual dues
Article XIV — Banking and Appropriations
Section 1
- The Board of Directors shall designate a bank or trust company in the County of Los Angeles as a depository for the funds of the Club to be subject to withdrawal by check.
- Any depository in which funds of this club are deposited shall be one in which the deposits are insured by an agency of the United States of America.
- At no time shall the amount of Club funds in any depository be in excess of the amount insured.
- The Board of Directors direct the Treasurer to transfer Club funds to a time deposit or interest bearing account, subject to the restrictions and limitations of these bylaws.
Section 2
- Funds on deposit in any account owned by the Club shall be subject to withdrawal only by check or withdrawal orders to a named payee and, if permitted by the bank, shall bear the authorized signature of not less than two (2) Club members, whose authorization shall be made in conformity with immediately following Provision B.
- The Board of Directors shall name two or more persons, one of which shall be the Treasurer of this Club, to be authorized to sign checks in the name of the Club, or withdrawal orders in the name of the Club.
- No funds shall be withdrawn from a time deposit or interest bearing account unless it is made payable to the Club and deposited in the Club checking account.
Section 3
- No disbursements or payment of funds of the Club shall be made except with the prior approval and/or appropriation by the Board of Directors.
- No funds shall be disbursed without a supporting bill, invoice, receipt, voucher, or memorandum which must show the date, a general description of the nature of the expenditure and by whom authorized.
Section 4
- The Board of Directors may authorize the rental of a safe deposit box at any bank or trust company in the city of Los Angeles to preserve the records, books, accounts, and other material, data, and property of the Club.
- The Board of Directors may name two (2) or more persons, one of which shall be the Treasurer of this Club, to be authorized to have access to the safe deposit box in accordance with the rules and regulations of the bank or trust company in which the safe deposit box is located.
Article XV — Amendments to the Bylaws
Section 1
- The Bylaws of this Club may be amended, revised or new Bylaws adopted at any regular or special meeting of the membership.
- Notice of any proposed change in the Bylaws shall be given to all Club members at least fifteen (I5) days prior to any such meeting at which such action is to be taken. Notice to Club members shall be in conformity with Article XVII, Section 5, of the Bylaws.
Section 2
An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of this club present and voting shall be required to amend, revise, or repeal these Bylaws or to adopt new Bylaws.
Section 3
When an amendment, revision or other action on the Bylaws is properly before any meeting for consideration, it, before final action is taken, can be changed or amended by a majority vote of those present and voting, provided the change be germane to the subject of the amendment or action.
Section 4
- Any fifteen (15) or more members of this club may present a petition to the Board of Directors setting forth any proposed amendment, revision, or repeal of these Bylaws. The Board of Directors shall present the petition to the Club membership as provided in Article XV, Section 1.
- The Board of Directors may recommend to the Club membership any amendment, revision, or repeal of these Bylaws as provided in Article XV, Section 1.
Article XVI — Recall and Special Notice
Section 1
- Any member of this Club may be expelled or his or her resignation requested by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors and a two thirds affirmative vote of the Club members present and voting at a regular or special meeting.
- Any elected officer of this Club shall be subject to recall by a two-thirds affirmative vote of Club members present and voting at a regular or special meeting.
- Any committee member or appointed officer of this Club shall be subject to recall, upon thirty (day) notice to him or her, by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the Board of Directors. For purposes of this vote, the subject committee member or appointed officer is deemed not to be present at the vote.
- Any elected officer or member of this Club, in writing, may request (hereafter “the Request”) the Board of Directors to provide him or her written Statement of Reasons for Requested Recall. Upon receipt of the Request, the Board of Directors, at its next meeting, shall respond to the Request. The Board of Directors shall direct the Secretary to mail, to the requesting member, the Board’s Statement of Reasons for Requested Recall within sixty (60) days of receipt of the Request.
Section 2
- Notice must be given for any special meeting as provided in Article V, Section 2.
- Any officer or member of this Club who is subject to Article XVI, Section 1, must be notified in writing by registered or certified mail at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting.
Article XVII — Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 1
When the date of a regular meeting falls on a recognized holiday or on a date that has been declared a time of local or national emergency, that meeting may be postponed to the date and time of the next regular meeting.
Section 2
No officer, committee member or member of this club may incur any obligation or indebtedness in the name of the Club without the written approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 3
- In any case where the Bylaws of this Club may be in conflict with the laws of the State of California or the United States of America, the state or federal law shall take precedence.
- The invalidation of any article or section of these bylaws in conflict with state or federal law shall not affect or invalidate the remaining articles or sections of the Bylaws of this Club.
Section 4
- No individual member of this Club shall be personally liable for any debt contracted in the name of the Club when such obligation has been authorized by the Board of Directors and approved by the membership of this Club.
Section 5
- Whenever notice to members is required by the Bylaws, that notice requirement is satisfied, as follows:
- On the date of personal delivery to the member,
- On the date of U.S. mail mailing, not delivery,
- Date of first posting in the Club’s newsletter (The Carrier),
- Date on which email is sent,
- Date on which FAX is sent.
- The means of service of notice set forth in preceding provision A is not exhaustive; The Board of Directors is permitted to find notice was given if the following conditions are met:
- The Board finds that good cause exists to find that notice was given,
- The Board finds that the member actually received notice, and
- The findings of the board are made unanimously and without dissent.
- In the event that this Section 5 is in conflict with other provisions set forth elsewhere in these Bylaws or in other documents, this Article XVIII Section 5 controls.
Section 6
- Robert’s Rules of Order-Revised shall govern all meetings of this Club, when not inconsistent with the Bylaws of this Club.